It's Christmas on Saturday (yay!) which means a lot of frantic, last-minute shopping, Christmassy food and music, and a great amount of harmless lying to the youngsters. Santa Clause is coming to town is one of my little bothers (the left-out 'r' is intentional, by the way) favourites at the moment because it promises him that if he is an angel for the next few weeks, he is guaranteed a visit from the jolly old Saint Nick that all children are obsessed with. You can understand the appeal, a man who spends all year making that toy that would have cost your parents an arm and a leg. You don't even have to pay him, well, besides with cookies and milk (which are always gone in the morning, thus proving his definite existence).
However, what I have found is that it is absolutely impossible for a grown-up to believe this "Santa" business. I mean obviously they know that he doesn't exist because the parents do all the buying - but as we get older, our brains become more logical. We start noticing all the impossibilities and list them to make ourselves feel smart. I got to thinking about the most common of the reasons and here's what I've come up with:
1. His sleigh and reindeer couldn't possibly fly
Due to all known laws of genetics and aviation, it is impossible to think that an enormous sleigh made of heavy wood and steel containing an overweight man and enough gifts to supply the whole world could be hoisted into the air by anything, let alone eight or nine (seemingly depending on the weather) normally flightless animals. It is a well-known fact that you need wings and a light bone-structure to fly. Reindeer have neither. Maybe Derren Brown could pull it off, but not a guy who lives off of cookies and milk.
2. Speaking of cookies and milk...
It is also a well-known fact that too much milk makes you sick. Coupled with biscuits... well let's say that Santa would not be so jolly all night.
3. There are not enough hours in a night
Unless Santa can time-travel, there is no way that he would be able to visit every single home on the planet in a night. That's just nuts.
4. Santa could not wear that suit everywhere in the world
As I am typing this I am beginning to melt. Imagine being in a thick red suit with fur-lined boots in temperatures of 30 + degrees. >.< Ouch.
That's all I feel like typing now. If you have suggestions for further impossibilities, comment them below.
I don't want to sound like I'm the cynical Ebenezer Grinch, I just thought that I would highlight the difference between kids and grow-ups as I like to believe that I am in the middle somewhere.
If I don't post before then, may your Christmas be wonderful and full of blessing. Don't over-do it ;)
- Cath x
Why do parents make their kids do this??
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