This world is full of people. The total population of Earth is bordering on 7 billion and in a world so full of different characters, you’re bound to find one or two people that puzzle you, perplex you and downright confuse you.
This post is dedicated to those people.
Those little old ladies who get a blue rinse
So, to be fair, I did go and read up on this and apparently there is a very valid reason that they do this. As we get older, we become more colour blind. The balance between blue and yellow is thrown out of whack. Little old ladies with white hair now see their hair as yellow. To combat this, they put a blue rinse in their hair to make it look white to them. Unfortunately, this makes them look like they have candyfloss for hair. Okay so I personally don’t have a problem with wanting to make your hair appear normal to your own eyes, but it’s just a little mind boggling if you don’t know the reason behind it.
So, to be fair, I did go and read up on this and apparently there is a very valid reason that they do this. As we get older, we become more colour blind. The balance between blue and yellow is thrown out of whack. Little old ladies with white hair now see their hair as yellow. To combat this, they put a blue rinse in their hair to make it look white to them. Unfortunately, this makes them look like they have candyfloss for hair. Okay so I personally don’t have a problem with wanting to make your hair appear normal to your own eyes, but it’s just a little mind boggling if you don’t know the reason behind it.
Guys who wear baggy pants that threaten to sit around their ankles at any moment
This has actually happened to me. I had just met this guy, a friend of a friend and he was wearing his pair of “gangsta jeans”. They were in the process of moving, and as he bent to put something into the car, his pants fell around his ankles. I was fourteen and had just met the guy. Needless to say, I was scarred for life. Please, male population, on behalf of poor innocent girls everywhere, at least wear a belt.
This has actually happened to me. I had just met this guy, a friend of a friend and he was wearing his pair of “gangsta jeans”. They were in the process of moving, and as he bent to put something into the car, his pants fell around his ankles. I was fourteen and had just met the guy. Needless to say, I was scarred for life. Please, male population, on behalf of poor innocent girls everywhere, at least wear a belt.
“Emos “
This one might be a little unfair. After all, I’m sure that there are teenagers out there who genuinely do have emotional problems and need an outlet for them. I also respect the fact that not all people who call themselves Emos act the way the world stereotypes them. But somewhere in this whole thing of teenagers trying to deal with their emotions, it became acceptable for teenagers with no real cause for emotional distress to wear skinny jeans, starve themselves, and mutilate their bodies. For what? For attention? Please, teens of the world, do me a favour and eat something, buy some clothes that fit properly and boys, leave mom’s eyeliner alone.
This one might be a little unfair. After all, I’m sure that there are teenagers out there who genuinely do have emotional problems and need an outlet for them. I also respect the fact that not all people who call themselves Emos act the way the world stereotypes them. But somewhere in this whole thing of teenagers trying to deal with their emotions, it became acceptable for teenagers with no real cause for emotional distress to wear skinny jeans, starve themselves, and mutilate their bodies. For what? For attention? Please, teens of the world, do me a favour and eat something, buy some clothes that fit properly and boys, leave mom’s eyeliner alone.
Paris Hilton-style handbag-dog girls
Take off the diamante-studded collars and frilly pink outfits. It’s animal abuse. How would you like it if I did that to – never mind. You got there first.
Take off the diamante-studded collars and frilly pink outfits. It’s animal abuse. How would you like it if I did that to – never mind. You got there first.
Girls who spend half their life gossiping about other girls
This is one that I really don’t understand. If you are trying to make lasting friends this is not the way to go about it. You see what happens is you have a great laugh at some poor girl’s expense, but at the same time the girl you are gossiping with thinks “It might be me next” and closes up. After all, who’s going to share deep personal stuff with someone who might go and repeat it to someone else? Even worse are the girls who use this as a weapon. “Girl A, if you go and talk to Girl B, I will tell the world that you ABC.” You get the idea? Girl A is too terrified to have her secrets out there for the world to know that she goes along with whatever Girl C says. It really makes me sick. Girls, find yourselves a good, solid friend, one who would keep your secrets even if their own reputations were at stake. Also, please don’t gossip. You ultimately end up hurting yourself.
This is one that I really don’t understand. If you are trying to make lasting friends this is not the way to go about it. You see what happens is you have a great laugh at some poor girl’s expense, but at the same time the girl you are gossiping with thinks “It might be me next” and closes up. After all, who’s going to share deep personal stuff with someone who might go and repeat it to someone else? Even worse are the girls who use this as a weapon. “Girl A, if you go and talk to Girl B, I will tell the world that you ABC.” You get the idea? Girl A is too terrified to have her secrets out there for the world to know that she goes along with whatever Girl C says. It really makes me sick. Girls, find yourselves a good, solid friend, one who would keep your secrets even if their own reputations were at stake. Also, please don’t gossip. You ultimately end up hurting yourself.
This one ended up slightly ranty-er than I had anticipated, but you know, after finishing high school and looking back, I felt I needed to.
The moral of the story is, be true to yourself.
Technically, this isn't a woman, but it gives you the idea
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