Thursday, December 30, 2010

My New-Year's Resolution

It's good-bye 2010 (as crazy and busy as you've been) and hello 2011.

Wow, first of all, 2011 is quite a mouthful. Compare it to the catchiness of 2010 and you'll see what I mean. This is probably the only reason for me to next year, but I digress. 

Inevitably the coming year comes with regrets of the previous year. Regret is the birth-place of resolution as I have found over the past few years. In an attempt to rectify the mistakes that you have made through the course of the year, you set yourselves goals and rules and convince yourself that you will be able to stick to them. You make lists, you draw up strategies and you try your hardest to keep the promises that you make to yourself.

However - and I'm sure that most of you will agree with me - you don't keep those promises. In fact, within a few weeks you leave the majority of your plans in the dust. I speak from experience. Every year my New-Year's resolutions are annihilated by the beginning of February. The sad thing is that I don't even notice. Not until I have to make my resolutions for the next year. It's terribly frustrating.

That is why this year I have resolved to not make resolutions. Yes - I know that that's a resolution, but it's my blog and I can do what I want. Seriously, I feel that I will come up much lest disappointed if I don't set myself new rules this year that I will inevitably break next year. However, once I am in the new year, I will make myself strategies for a number of things as I go along - after all, you still need a battle plan for the year.

You may think that this is me just making New-Year's resolutions in the new year - and you'd be right. I think (for me anyway) that there is something about the term "New-Year's resolutions" that makes you want to rebel. I don't know. All I know is that my resolutions are always jinxed if I make them before January 1. 

This doesn't mean that I'm slating you if you do make resolutions. If you make resolutions and you stick to them then I take my hat off to you. If you make resolutions and you don't always stick to them - well at least you care about the direction of your life. I just prefer to make mine at a less conspicuous time.

Well, with that said, whatever you choose to do in the next two days, I hope you bring in 2011 well. I really hope that this is the year in which all your dreams come true, or at least begin to come true. 

So, Happy New Year!

- Cath x

Lol, Happy New Year!

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