Sunday, December 12, 2010

I think the roller-coaster may just eat me

It's me and Ratanga Junction tomorrow - the only theme park for miles and miles. If you're looking for a thrill or a rush of adrenaline in Cape Town, this is where it's done.

I, however, am not an adrenaline junkie. I'm not a junkie at all. 

For the last few times I've been there, though, I have gone on pretty much all the main rides - log rides and runaway trains. Fun, right? I'd agree. There was nothing particularly terrifying about any of them.

There is one ride that I'm terrified of, though. Every time I go to Ratanga, I stand there under the shadow of it and cower in fear. It's a terrifying mass of twisted yellow metal, tempting me to my doom.

Its name is the Cobra.

It appears to be innocent from the comfort of your home. They describe it on the website as: 

"...a suspended looping coaster which catapults riders from a height of 32m along 779m of track at up to four times the force of gravity and speeds of close to 100km/h. Adding to the thrill of the ride is the suspension of riders beneath the track, feet flying free..."

Well, okay, maybe it doesn't look so innocent from the comfort of your home. 32 metres high? Being flung at 100km per hour? 4G? My feet hang loose?

To be honest, most of that doesn't freak me out too much. I quite enjoy speed. 

But 32 metres? Really?? It isn't a good ride for people like me who feel uncomfortable on top of a jungle-gym.

However, I have resolved to go on it. Once. I know that after the initial climb, I'll be perfect. It'll all be great. I'll probably love it. 

I just hope that can I convince myself to get strapped into it in the first place. 

Hold thumbs for me!

Don't tell me that you don't find this intimidating.

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